Scientific Name: Antirrhinum majus
Common Name: Snapdragon
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Habit: Herbaceous; Annual
Growth Form: A short-lived perennial grown as an annual. Loose and open growth habit, unless pinched to be compact and staked for regular cutting of straight upright spikes. Foliage color is dark green with medium texture.
Mature Size: Height: 1' to 3.5' Width: 1' to 1.5'
Flowers: Red/orange/yellow/violet/white/pink. Single colored or bi-colored,some with mottled coloration. Bloom time: Mid-Late Summer, Early-mid Fall.
Hardiness: All Zones. Can be overwintered with protection in Zone 5 to 7. Tolerates frost and grow best in cool weather.
Sun Requirements: Part shade/Part Sun
Water Requirements: Regular watering (1" per week). Allow soil to become relatively dry between each watering bur avoid wilting.
Soil Requirements: Requires well drained soil. Prefers light soil, high in organic matter.
Other Info: Deer resistant, non-aggressive, non-invasive, not native to North America, native to Mediterranean. Fragrant. Good Cut Flowers especially the Rocket Series.