
ducks By Gavin


Did you know that there is 13 types of ducks? Some of them are the Black-bellied whistling duck and the Mallard. Ducks can be seen near ponds, marshes and oceans You can mostly find them in ponds. The Laysan Duck is endangered. Only 500 of them exist. Ducks are also called “waterfowl” because they are normally found in ponds.

Duck in a pond.
Ducks vs Geese

There is 1.57 million geese in the world and 19 types of geese. As in ducks there are 49.9 million ducks and there are 13 types of ducks. Ducks go a little slower than geese by 20mph,ducks fly 40 mph, and geese fly 60 mph, ducks are 5 inches tall while geese are 22 inches. The similarities between ducks and geese are, Both have webbed feet. Usually whenever you see ducks or geese they are in groups called flocks. Both are called “waterfowl”.

Ducks with geese, the ducks are shorter and the geese are taller
Order and sequence

A duck lays eggs, after 3 days the egg hatches, a ducking is now born the duck weighs 0.9 kg The adults feed the ducklings water and baby snails, 4 weeks pass the ducking starts to grow feathers, after 8 weeks the ducking grows into a duck and now weighs 1.9lbs and is able to fly.

Below is a Timeline of a duck

1. First the mother duck lays egg which looks like this
2. A duckling hatches out of a egg and looks like this
3.The duckling grows into a duck and is able to fly.
Problem and Solution

Problem: People polluting lakes and rivers cause ducks to get the "duck plague" which can make people and ducks sick the duck plague can also kill them.

Solution #1: Throw wrappers and plastic in garbage cans and away from lakes.

Solution #2: Rake grass and leaves away from ponds so nothing can get in the ponds.

Duck in a polluted pond
Cause And Effect
Fun Facts.
  1. Male and female ducks sound different

2. Ducks were domesticated as pets since 1521.

3. Ducks can see better than most humans

4. Ducks sleep with their eyes open so they can see predators.

5. Ducks have accents. City ducks are louder than country ducks.


1. Plague: A contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium, typically with the formation of buboes

2. Ducking: A baby duck.

3. Waterfowl: Ducks, geese, or other large aquatic birds.

4. Pollution: The presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.


Created with images by JoSherls - "ducks geese meadow" • Unknown - "Royalty-Free photo: Duckling standing on green grass | PickPik" • Alexas_Fotos - "mallard ducklings duck" • GrassNguyen - "birds ornithology ducks" • hobbyknipse - "geese ducks herd" • Unknown - "HD wallpaper: black birds in body of water photo, beach, fog, rainbow ..." • Greg70 - "birds ducks flock" • Unknown - "Free picture: wild, ducks, swim, water, rain" • Евгений Рыженков - "goose on the farm"