
CFS 1889: Cardinal Foundation Seminar Section Topic: "The Worth of Water"

To learn more about the course, please refer to the latest course syllabus:

Section Description

Water is essential to life. Clean water is foundational to the health, economic productivity, and social cohesion of human communities. It is a finite resource and a force capable of great destruction. This seminar introduces students to the dynamic relationship between the global water cycle and the well-being of human societies. It challenges students to develop and assess potential solutions to one of the most pressing environmental challenges of the 21st century.

What is a Cardinal Foundation Seminar?

A conversation-based course on a unique topic that engages new (first time) SUNY Plattsburgh students in collegiate and academic life as a Cardinal. Academically rigorous and skill building course that fosters academic success in the major and for the future as citizen and professional. Topic of study varies by section and instructor.

Learning Outcomes

Students in a foundation seminar will:

  1. Develop cultural competency, including respect for individuals with different perspectives and beliefs, and recognize the responsibilities that each person has as an engaged citizen among diverse communities. Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Skills
  2. Explore and develop the academic skills necessary to succeed in college as a self-directed, lifelong learner. Learning/Study Skills
  3. Explore a range of common experiences that occur during the transition to college and, from that, develop foundational strategies for the many facets of planning, resilience, wellness, and a sense of belonging, including identifying resources available to help with personal development for college and beyond. Life Skills

Semester Video Project

Students in this class complete a final video project on a topic related to human interactions with water. Check out a few of their videos below!

Fall 2022 Video Projects

Why Water is Important for an Art Major

Shared with permission from Anna McShane

Introducing the best sport on FROZEN WATER

Shared with permission from Joshua Belgrave






Fall 2021 Video Projects

Plastics in the Ocean: Time is Running Out

Shared with permission from creator Cameron Greaves.


Kaplan, Sarah. "By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world's oceans, study says." The Washington Post, WP Company, 25 Oct. 2021. https://www.washingtonpost.com/NEWS/MOMING-MIX/WP/2016/01/20/BY-2050-THERE-WILL-BE-MORE-PLASTIC-THAN-FISH-IN-THE-WORLDS-OCEANS-STUDY-SAYS/

Savoca, Matthew S., et al. “Plastic Ingestion by Marine Fish Is Widespread and Increasing.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 9 Feb. 2021, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gcb.15533.

Wearden, Graeme. "More Plastic than Fish the Sea by 2050, Says Ellen MacArthur." The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 19 Jan. 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/19/more-plastic-than-fish-in-the-sea-by-2050-warms-ellen-MacArthur.

The Value of Water

Shared with permission from creator Sapnil Barua.


Some videos in the project were used from www.pexels.com

  • https://www.pexels.com/search/videos/water%20pollution/
  • https://www.pexels.com/video/droplets-of-water-on-a-calm-surface-of-water-in-a-basin-3125273/
  • https://www.pexels.com/search/videos/water%20farm/
  • https://www.pexels.com/search/videos/water%20waste/

The background music was from https://www.epidemicsound.com

  • Music By: Taomito, The Quiet One
  • Music By: August Wilhelmsson, Another First One

Credit also goes to my friend Sukhi, I recorded him in the shower. (He didn't want his last name to be revealed.)

What students say about the class...

“Dr. Alldred was always really enthusiastic about the material for the day whether we were talking about finance or global disaster. Her enthusiasm made the course intriguing even though the subject doesn't normally interest me.”

“She's always offering any aid she can and truly wants us to do as well as possible, not just in her course but all of our classes and our future beyond college.”

“I love how she made the class very interesting by showing the importance of water and love her energy. Her being in excitement mode all the time made me not fall asleep.”

“She is a very good teacher, she is very kind and always listens to her students. She makes assignments clear and not overwhelming.”

“The lessons about global water have been very informative and contributed to my developing career path.”

“The instructor is a very good teacher and I enjoyed being in her class. She is very helpful and the nicest person you'll ever meet.”

“A very caring and thoughtful teacher. Very nice about conflicts.”

“I liked how guest speakers who would tell us about things on campus. Also enjoyed learning about water & water supply.”

Created By
Mary Alldred


Created with images by ronymichaud - "drop of water drop impact" • brillianata - "Table with brushes and tools in an art workshop. Background." • sergeitokmakov - "trash pollution beach" • Pexels - "new york sea city"

Anchor link copied.