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Chemistry Students Create Salt WIth baking soda and hydrochloric acid By: Rockne Smith


Students in chemistry teacher Chelsea Bender's class participated in the lab.

LEFT: Juniors Trenton Holleman (left) and Connor Dalman (right) wear gogggles to protect their eyes during the lab.


The point of the lab was to mix the hydrochloric acid and baking soda in order to create table salt. The class recorded their data of how much salt was collected in the evaporating dish.

RIGHT: Bender helps students complete the lab by adjusting the flame.


The students were instructed to take an evaporating dish and put a watch glass on top. The students proceeded to take the dish and put it on a ring stand. The flame from the gas shot up the stand and heated up the dish. The class then put baking soda on the dish and poured hydrochloric acid on top. Right away, the dish started boiling. The students waited for the dish to sit on the stand until it was completely dry with no steam.

LEFT: Holleman watches the flame heat up the evaporation dish.

The students added 1/2 of a pipette full of hydrogen chloroide to baking soda in the experiment.

Holleman adjusts the ring stand to the correct height.

Dalman and Holleman discuss the lab.


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