BSH TECHNOLOGY GROUP copyrighted 2000-2015 all rightS RESERVED

Website Design and Consulting

In this day in age every business needs to have some kind of Online Presence. In fact 92% of consumers say they research and find the product or service they are looking for online. BSH Technology Group can design a professional website that can fit the needs of your business or organization. Maybe you already have a website or store, Let us take a look at it and we can evaluate you site and to ensure that your site is living up to its full potential So contact us today at or give us a call +1 (774) 613-4069

IT Consulting for Individuals and Small Businesses

BSH Technology Group Consultants works in partnership with our clients, advising them how to use information technology in order to meet their business objectives or overcome problems. We work to improve the structure and efficiency of IT systems in your organization.

We provide strategic guidance to our clients with regard to technology, IT infrastructures and enabling your small business to work like a large corporation through enhancements to your IT operations.

We can also be used to provide guidance during selection and procurement as well as providing highly expert technical assistance, and for user training and feedback. So let us get your small or home business operating like large corporation contact us today today at or give us a call +1 (774) 613-4069

Computer Technician Services. CompTIA A+ CERTIFIED

Our Technicians are qualified to repair or replace your computer systems. They can offer you onsite technical support or any of these technical duties:

• Installing hardware and software systems

• Maintaining or repairing your equipment

• Troubleshooting a variety of computer issues

• Setting up computer security measures

• Configuring computer networks

Offering technical support on-site or via phone or email

We can also build for you or your company a customized computer system. That suites the individualized needs of your company or organization. Contact us today and see what we can do for you.

Created By
Brian Hackett
owner and Creator Brian Hackett:

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