Saint Kiara By: Naila tenoRio
Saint Kiara of Ireland
Saint Kiara of Ireland (also spelled Chera, Chier, Ciara, Cyra, Keira, Kiara, Cier, Ciar) was an abbess in the 7th century who died in 679.
Kiara was the daughter of Duibhre (or Dubreus) reportedly in the blood line of the kings of Connor (or Conaire).
She set up a nunnery called Tech-Telle in the year 625. She, along with 5 other virgins asked Saint Fintan Munnu for a place to serve God. He and his monks gave the women their abbey in Heli. He blessed Kiara, and instructed her to name the place after St. Telle.
Her feast day is a October 16th and a festival on July 2nd is also celebrated in her honor.
Saint Kiara's Prayer
Saint Kiara please help us have your bravery and selflessness and to put others first, instead ourselves. Amen