Today I chose to make images without all my usual gear. No tripod, no selection of lenses, no backpack and no real agenda other than to be creative. With one camera, one lens, a couple of ND filters and a lens cloth I felt strangely 'underdressed' and yet liberated. It was a grey day with just a hint of rain in the air but no problem if I faced the right way. There was no great light and no 'chocolate box' view or staggering vista - it was just me and my local fields 10 minutes' walk from my front door. Before long I was lost in my own little world, carefree and enjoying the freedom to play and to just see what happened. Serendipity is the word that came to mind - the name of a character I played in a school play when I was just 10 years old. I couldn't replicate any if these if I tried, there is no formula, no plan, no specification - just a willingness to play, make mistakes, move on and try again.
Each image has been processed according to my own whim and creative leaning. Some were shot as RAW and some as in-camera jpeg. I cared little for what was in focus, or not, nor did I care much to get the 'right' exposure or for optimum file quality. I wanted to be carefree and let the winds of chance and fancy run free and unfettered and to make images with soul, with heart and with joyous abandonment of the rulebook. Oh what fun I had!
All photography copyright Andrew Page : Silver Lining Photography : 07941 872298