SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to be the last pandemic of this generation, or perhaps even this decade. The COVID-19 crisis is one of a long line of outbreaks with pandemic potential in the previous twenty years. At the same time malaria, one of the world’s oldest and deadliest diseases, continues to have a devastating impact on lives and livelihoods. In mapping a pathway to a more health-secure future, the lessons and the infrastructure built to fight malaria have a vital role. By scaling these efficient and equitable models of community service delivery, we can prevent the next pandemic whilst rapidly addressing the present threats both of malaria and SARS-CoV-2.
This report from Malaria No More, Malaria No More UK, and the United Nations Foundation highlights the links between malaria and global health security, providing a clear case for increased investment in malaria programmes as a scalable, stress-tested and cost-effective way to strengthen health security and prevent future pandemics, as well as revitalising progress against this deadly, preventable disease. It argues that building on the community health systems established for the malaria response is the quickest, most cost-effective solution, not only to revitalise progress against malaria, but also to address urgent health security challenges facing humankind.
Partners are encouraged to use these assets to support their own advocacy work, and should feel free to adapt or translate them for different contexts as needed. If you create any new products based on the report please do share them back with us, so we also can make them available to others.
For more information, please contact:
Elizabeth Ivanovich –
Thu Do –
Clare Battle –
Photo credits: (in order of appearance) MAMaZ Against Malaria at Scale/ - Zambia, Dave Fils-Aime/UN Foundation - Haiti, Fauzan Ijazah/UNICEF – Indonesia, Ollivier Girard/UN Foundation – Niger