Diamond Head Volcano By: Mackenzie & Ava

Diamond Head Volcano is located in Honolulu, HI. Diamond Head is a famous monument in Hawaii.

You can climb the trail going up to the top of Diamond Head Volcano. It measures 3,250 feet across and 760 feet in height.

Diamond head Volcano is the most famous crater in the world. Western explorers saw it shining like a diamond, that is because it has a caliric diamond in the crater. That is how Diamond head volcano got it's name.
Diamond head volcano is now extinct , but it last erupted 150,000 years ago. The eruptions that built Diamond head probably lasted a few days to a month.

The Hawaiian name for Diamond head is Le'ahi.

Diamond head is over looking the Pacific Ocean!

By: Mackenzie & Ava Hope you enjoyed these facts!

Created with images by Eric Tessmer, Honolulu Hawaii - "Diamond Head East Aerial View, Waikiki and Honolulu Hawaii, Summer ≡ Eric Tessmer, Molokai, Hawaii" • snarltooth - "hawaii palm tree" • stepat - "dolphin ocean sea" • paul bica - "unrest"

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