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Lorenzo Goes Bananas in Paris Photography BY Elizabeth Anne


Lorenzo Goes Bananas in Paris is an on-going project that started as an Instagram account to document my travels back in 2019 upon my arrival in Paris. Not long after getting started, I was determined to make this body of work accessible beyond Instagram. Being a kindergarten teacher, my idea is to create a children's book. I was inspired by the book, Paris-Chien, by Jackie Clark Mancuso, that follows an ex-pat American dog as he transitions to life in Paris. My aim is to follow a similar approach, and use photography to showcase the travels of this stuffed monkey named Lorenzo.

Touring the French capital on foot, I capture the Parisian lifestyle by adding a whimsical twist -- a monkey! Lorenzo navigates the city's metro, experiences the culture and cuisine, and dreamily admires La Tour Eiffel. He's experiencing Paris as any human tourist does and taking in the tremendous city views from landmark locations.

In creating Lorenzo Goes Bananas in Paris, I want to inspire my students to be creative and develop great imaginations. Lorenzo Goes Bananas in Paris does just that, triggering their imaginations and giving them opportunity to believe in the fantasy of a monkey traveling around Paris, living a daily Parisian lifestyle, just like they do.

Follow Lorenzo's Parisian adventures!

About the Photographer

An artist, creator, and teacher, Elizabeth Anne currently resides in Paris, France. She landed in France after accepting a teaching position with France Education Nationale in 2019. Originally from California, she holds a BFA in Dance from Dominican University. She has performed professionally in San Francisco, where she has also taught dance to children and adults. Recovering from a career-altering injury, Elizabeth Anne enrolled in SF City College, taking French and photography. As a photography student, she has had the opportunity to display her award-winning work in the Gallery Obscura on City College’s Ocean Campus. Her photography work reflects her travels and her discipline in dance. She continues to expand her practice through CCSF's online learning classes, and she will complete a certificate in digital photography in Spring 2021.

Created By
Elizabeth Anne


