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The Adobe Community Experts Program consists of creatives, freelancers, authors, bloggers, hobbyists, content creators, educators, trainers and industry influencers from our customer base who use their experience and expertise to guide, educate, and inspire the current and next generation of Adobe software users.

As community leaders in their field, they exemplify the program values of sharing their product expertise with a passion for fostering creativity and supporting their peers.

Let's meet some of our Experts!

Are you...

  • An expert in one or more pieces of Adobe software?
  • Social media savvy?
  • An empathetic communicator?
  • Passionate about helping others succeed?
  • Looking for a way to get recognized by Adobe for your expertise?

And do you...

  • Help our customers in the Adobe Community, Discord servers, Reddit, Facebook or LinkedIn groups OR
  • Create content on YouTube, LinkedIn Learning OR
  • Host or speak at industry events OR
  • Train or teach Adobe software as part of your job OR
  • Are active in one or more of our prerelease/beta programs?

If the answer to any of the above is YES...

We're looking for YOU! :)

Why would you want to join?

As a Community Expert, you will stand out while also building your network and growing as a community leader. As a member of this community, you can look forward to:

  • Getting Recognized: You'll be able to distinguish yourself by showcasing the Adobe Community Expert logo on your content, social media networks and your CV.
  • Receiving Early Access to Product News: You will have access to news on the latest feature releases and receive early access to what's next on Adobe's roadmap.
  • Building Connections: You will have the opportunity to engage with other Adobe Community Experts from around the world and build your network through special virtual events and hangouts.
  • Making an Impact: We will provide opportunities for you to share product feedback directly with the Adobe Product Teams and help shape the future of the Adobe Community.
  • Earning Rewards: We have a rotating menu of rewards. Tokens of appreciation for everything that you do ...but we'll tell you more if you decide to join! ;-)

How to apply

Ready to take the next step in joining the Adobe Community Experts? Please complete this application to be considered. If you are selected, we will be in touch with you. Please note that we're experiencing high demand, so it could take a while before you hear back from us. If you are referred by one of our members or employees, the waiting period may be waived ;-)

Note: If you are accepted into the Adobe Community Experts Program, you will join a portal where you must agree to an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), and our Code of Conduct and follow our Brand Guidelines.


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