History of Youtube How Youtube got to what it is now

"All the video content and News you could ever want at your disposal. Made by just 3 guys in graduate school turned into a multi-billion dollar company.” And this is the process…

How does a small start up video company turn into a multi-billion dollar social media website and, platform for showing people what they want to see every single day of the year, then sold to google for only 50% of the profit.How youtube got the money

Where they got the money

Youtube received 11.5 million dollars from Sequoia Capital in November of 2005. This money was needed to start up and fund the initial site of youtube. The money specifically went to buying the URL and software for the internal parts of the site itself. After a few years of growing and becoming more and more popular, youtube started to get recognized by Google a major search engine. Google wanted to buy youtube, so they did for 1.65 billion dollars. But youtube still got some unknown percentage of the sites earnings.All founders met at graduate school.



First video uploaded

Got a first loan of 11.5 million dollars

Official launch of the site


20,000 videos uploaded a day

Mobile app released

Google buys youtube


Major update of livestreaming and video content could be viewed in amazing 4K image

How youtube became popular

In a conference that was 45 minutes long Youtube representatives talk about the purpose of youtube “to create what you want to express. And express that to the public.” There were many updates to youtube after this conference, because youtube was still relatively small compared to what we now have today. The update made it so this content could be viewed in other parts of the world like the UK and India.

Created By
Zach Desieno


Created with images by codenamecueball - "Youtube logo" • TBIT - "dollar bank note money" • stux - "tv youtube hf 1"


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