Quash Sarah Sharfi & DANIEl correa


Quash is a simultaneous action card game in which the ultimate objective is to rid yourself of all of your cards before the other player(s). This is achieved either by discarding your cards or inflicting them on another player. The main goal of the game is to “quash” (or end) it before the other players; this is achieved either by discarding your cards or inflicting them on another player.

Quash is designed for 2-4 players. And the only thing necessary to play Quash is a standard 52 card deck.


To begin a game of Quash, first trash the “jokers” from the deck. Players then sit in a circle around a table so that they are in a position to hide their cards from one another. The deck is then shuffled and dealt out evenly (or as evenly as possible) to the players until there are no cards left.


● Each player draws 7 cards from their own personal decks.

● Every turn, once they are all ready, each player places one card from their hand face up simultaneously.

● The player with the lowest card played must take all the other cards played, and put them at the bottom of their personal deck.

● Each player then draws a new card from their deck.

Additional rules!

● If at any time a player has in their hand 4 cards of the same number (a ‘four of a kind’) at once, they may then discard them from the game completely, making their own deck that much smaller.

● If at any time a player has in their hand 4 consecutive cards (a straight ie. 1,2,3,4) they may then discard them from the game completely making their own deck 4 cards smaller

●Once everyone has discarded their cards, and has put 7 cards back in their hand, a new round starts, and the players, again, put a card of their choice face up simultaneously.

Special Event #1

If two players tie for the lowest card played, the hierarchy then goes by suit. Spades beats clubs, which beats diamonds, which beats hearts. So for example if the two lowest cards are both 4's, one 4 of hearts and one 4 of clubs, the player who played the four or hearts must take all the other players cards and add them to their deck.

Special Event #2

There is one exception in this game in terms of higher cards beating lower cards. Aces beat every card, except for 2’s; when a two and an ace are played, the two will beat the ace, and the individual who played the ace must ad the cards to their deck. However, if playing with more than two players and this is the case, both players will win by default, and the next lowest card other than the 2 will lose, and that player will have to add all the cards to their deck.


So, for example, if four players are playing, and one plays a 2, another plays an ace, the third plays 6 and the fourth plays an 8. The 2 and the ace will both win, and the player who played the 6 will actually lose, and take all the other cards into their deck.

Game End

Once a player has discarded, or doled out all of their cards to the other players, that player wins and the game is over.


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