
Shot@Life Advocate to Vaccinate & World Immunization Week 2023 Social media Toolkit

Vaccines have protected us from disease for more than two centuries — from the very first vaccines developed to protect against smallpox, to the newest ones used to prevent severe cases of COVID-19. Since the pandemic, global childhood vaccination rates have declined to their lowest levels in 30 years. This year’s World Immunization Week theme is “The Big Catch-Up,” as the global health community work to get vaccination back on track to ensure more people, especially children, are protected from preventable diseases.

Join Shot@Life as we ask our policymakers to support global vaccine programs in the 2024 U.S budget. Let’s champion the lifesaving power of vaccines as we fight for #VaccinesForAll.

Visit shotatlife.org/advocatetovaccinate for more information on how you can help ensure children everywhere have a shot at a healthy life.

Suggested Messages

Relevant hashtags: #VaccinesForAll, #VaccinesWork, #AdvocatetoVaccinate

People around the world deserve to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases, giving them a @ShotAtLife. Join me in advocating for #VaccinesForAll this spring: shotatlife.org/advocatetovaccinate

I support equitable access to lifesaving vaccines for children around the 🌏 Join me and @ShotAtLife as we #AdvocatetoVaccinate and sign the petition to ask Congress to fully fund global immunization programs in the 2024 fiscal year 💉 shotatlife.org/petition #VaccinesForAll

I advocate for global vaccine access with @ShotAtLife because every year, 1.5 million children die from vaccine-preventable diseases. We can solve this issue with lifesaving #VaccinesForAll.

Every $1 invested in vaccination saves more than $50 in healthcare costs, lost wages, and lost productivity due to illness. This makes vaccines one of the most cost-effective global health interventions. #VaccinesWork

25 million children missed out on basic childhood vaccines, the largest backslide in child vaccinations in 30 years. On 4/25, join @ShotAtLife’s nationwide call-in day to call your legislators at 202-902-6614 & advocate for vaccine equity 📞Talking points: bit.ly/a2vcalls

Measles vaccines are one of the best buys in public health, but not everyone has access to them. Explore interactive maps of recent outbreaks and learn more about the vaccine's impact in @ShotAtLife's "Fight Against Measles" tool: shotatlife.org/measlesmap

Created By
ShotAtLife Campaign