PPS Learning, Teaching & Technology Newsletter • Issue 4 • Nov. 23, 2016


This bi-monthly newsletter will feature cool learning, teaching and technology ideas, resources and tips, as well as news about upcoming learning opportunities. Feel free to forward this flyer and invite others to share in the learning! Send a message to Melissa Lim mlim@pps.net to join the Edtech Listserve to receive email news and updates related to learning, teaching and technology in Portland Public Schools.

The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts. Check out the tutorials and activities. This grassroots campaign is supported by over 400 partners and 200,000 educators worldwide. The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. The 2016 Computer Science Education Week will be December 5-11, but you can host an Hour of Code all year round. Computer Science Education Week is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906). Organize an Hour of Code and register it here.

Teaching & Learning/GoogleApps User Group

Please join us for any or all of our future meetings that are all at the BESC: Dec. 6, 2016 at 4 pm in Mazama, floor 2 and Jan. 10, March 7, May 9, 2017 at 4 pm in the WyEast, floor L1.

Speak Up 2016

Speak Up, an online research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow®, gives education stakeholders the opportunity to share their viewpoints about key educational issues, particularly concerning digital learning and the use of technology to support future ready schools. Each year, findings are summarized and shared with national and state policy makers. All districts and schools in the current NCES database are automatically registered to participate in Speak Up and the survey is open until Jan. 13, 2017.

The long-awaited new Google Sites is now live in the apps4pps domain. The new editor has an easy-to-use interface and attractive design and integration with G Suite apps. You can read more information about the new Google Sites here. Google support says that migration tools to transition your classic sites will be released in 2017. Both classic and new Sites will continue to be supported during this time by Google.nUntil the recommended migration tools are released, you can migrate an existing classic site using the following methods:

  • Rebuild your site using new Sites.
  • Copy and paste content from classic Sites to new Sites.
  • Add a banner to your classic site redirecting people to the new site URL.

New Google Sites learning resources: G Suite Learning Center: Sites and New Google Sites Cheat Sheet from Jenn Judkins.

Newsletter • Issue 1 • Sept. 30, 2016 / Newsletter • Issue 2 • Oct. 13, 2016 / Newsletter • Issue 3 • Nov. 10, 2016

BADGEQUEST is a self-paced training site for Google Apps for Education/G Suite. Each training module comprises three levels. Each level provides participants with useful videos and performance tasks. After all three levels of a training module are successfully completed, the diligent participant is awarded a badge. The badge should be displayed with pride! Follow the link to get started.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Questions or comments? Contact Melissa Lim, mlim@pps.net.

Created By
Melissa Lim




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