
Term 1a, week 4

This week, in PE, we applied our throwing and catching skills in handball games.

We worked well together and demonstrated great teamwork.

You can tell from our faces that we enjoyed this session.

In PSHE, we considered our positive qualities as we are learning about positive relationships.

We had to write positive things about each other.

It was lovely to read and share what other people think of us. Some people wrote about our personalities and others wrote about what we are good at.

As part of our Anglo-Saxon work, we read and learned about their settlements.

We also compared the lives of children in Anglo-Saxon times to our lives today and we wrote a comparative piece explaining this.

Finally, we recapped the different levels of society in the Anglo-Saxon era and acted these out.

We had to consider what the peasants, slaves, women and the thane would be doing in our freeze frame and the rest of us had to guess who was who.

We were successful in guessing who was acting in each role.

I wonder what next week will bring?