The Milligan's MeRry Christmas & Happy New Years

Ryanne Milligan

Ryanne lives and works in Miami, Florida

With her dogs Jewel and Locito

and cat, Violetta

Reid Milligan

Reid is a sophomore at Purdue University

He is a member of Delta Upsilon

He plans on going to PT school after graduation.

Reece Milligan

Reece is a sophomore at Jasper High School

He played football this fall

And basketball this winter. He will run track in the spring.

Raife Milligan

Raife is a sophomore at Jasper High School

He played football this fall

He is swimming this winter and will run track this spring.

As for us, Liz stays busy with Volleyball and the kids

Joe stays busy with MCG and the kids

and we wouldn't have it any other way!!!


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