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A Disrupted Season By: Sela Gur-Arie

Student athletes from Community High School share their feelings on playing a sport during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

"I honestly felt selfish choosing to play but we were luckily all safe and it was incredible to see friends and be able to do something real with my time."

- Helen Schmitter, Huron Field Hockey, Class of '21

"While we were doing summer training, we were doubtful there would be a fall season because most businesses were still closed. Washtenaw County then announced that we would have online school. This cemented the idea that we wouldn’t have a season because it makes no sense to not have school but still have sports, right? Yet here we are, 3 months into online school and still having a full season of cross country."

- Henry Monte-Sano, Pioneer Cross Country, Class of '22

“Playing football was one of the best activities I could have imagined during COVID. It kept me active while in times of desperation for social activities and fitness. I rekindled so many relationships with guys on the team that had drifted apart over quarantine. The season may not have ended the way we wished but there is no other group of people I would rather go through the ups and downs with."

- Eli Hausman, Pioneer Football, Class of '21

"Playing sports during COVID is honestly really scary. I feel like it is something that shouldn't be happening but it is the only normal and constant activity I have in my life right now and it keeps me somewhat sane."

- Hannah Bernstein, Huron Volleyball, Class of '21

"Playing lacrosse this fall has been really nice. I didn't play all summer because I would have had to travel a lot and my family didn't feel comfortable with the risk. My team has been super safe but, I am nervous for when we move indoors to play."

- Walden Jones-Perpich, Skyline Lacrosse, Class of '22

"Playing during practice was always less stressful because I knew everyone I was playing with and knew they were being safe but playing teams outside of Ann Arbor was really stressful. There were lots of girls that wore their mask incorrectly."

- Ella Roberts, Pioneer Field Hockey, Class of '21

Created By
Sela Gur-Arie


Created with an image by Sandro Schuh - "White soccer line"


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