
Cable Tray Cleaning MPW provides the personnel and technology to execute the safe removal of dust from cable trays.

Custom-designed and fabricated by MPW’s engineering team, MPW’s cable tray system eliminates combustible dust by mixing medium air pressure with high vacuum pressure in the nozzle inlet. This removes the dust and debris from between the cables and through the nozzle outlet, ensuring that no airborne dust escapes the area. This procedure is safe for use on live wires.

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  • High-pressure vacuuming
  • Fully grounded operation for live-wire work
  • Single-vacuum nozzle that loosens and removes dust
  • Adjustable air and vacuum pressure
  • 12 nozzle configurations and lengths
  • Safe removal of all dust including aluminum, bronze, magnesium, zinc, coal and sulphur
  • Agricultural applications
Cable Tray (Before)


  • Eliminates risk of igniting combustible materials
  • Live-wire cleaning eliminates shutdowns
  • Non-destructive cleaning of vital wiring
  • Ability to clean in hard-to-reach trays
  • Eliminates airborne dust during cleaning process
  • Increases efficiency and decreases downtime
Cable Tray (After)