For the first 1-2 weeks there was no signs of the disease. Then the victim would have a fever, a headache, back pain, and sometimes even abdominal pain and vomiting. 2-5 days later those symptoms abated, but then a rash of poxes that was heavy on the face and lower limbs appeared. If you popped them the virus would keep on spreading. In the falling days scabs formed on the poxes. 2-3 weeks later they would fall off.
Sources Used:
Kessel, William B., and Robert Wooster. “Effects of Smallpox.” Encyclopedia of Native American Wars and Warfare, Facts On File, 2005. American Indian History, of Smallpox. Accessed 2017.
"Smallpox." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 4 Oct. 2007. Accessed 21 Apr. 2017.