The Holocaust By lorè, minervinI, scanniffio and contursi

In 1943 Adolf Hitler won the German elections, and became the canceller of Germany. The name of his political party is Workers Party.

In Germany, people use the name "The Nazy Party". The Nazis believed that only their party should control Germany. The Nazis were also anti-Semitic.

They hated Jews, so he added on their wear some yellow stars, so anyone that see they are Jewish.

Hitler sent the Jews to concentration camps and after he built gas chambers and thousands more Jews died from the poison gas.

The largest concentration camp was Auschwitz. In total, around 6 millions Jews people die because of the Nazis.

This distraction of human life is called "The Holocaust". Today many countries have a Holocaust Memorial Day, that they celebrate on the 27th of Genuary, the day that the Soviet Army liberated the Jews at Auschwitz.

The End
Created with images by RonPorter - "auschwitz entry gate barrier" • MonicaLoreto - "auschwitz poland war" • quapan - "Molotow beim Tête-à-Tête mit Hitler im November 1940" • bentilley - "Sign in Auschwitz" • hoyasmeg - "Israeli flag flapping_0514c" • DzidekLasek - "auschwitz history the museum" • Tabble - "gas mask respiratory mask gift" • jamiejohndavies - "Nazi Soldiers" • Vince Alongi - "Holocaust"

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