
Did you know that only 24 hours after hatching, baby triops already appear to be miniature adults? Since triops are so amazing, you will learn some facts about them. Read on to learn about their looks, their living conditions, and other random facts.


Triops have many distinguishing traits. They are small crustaceans that, true to their name, have three eyes! Although their eggs are minuscule, around a millimeter, they can grow up to two inches long. They can be gray, greenish, or brown. Triops also swim the backstroke when they eat. How cool is that?

Living Conditions

Triop’s living conditions can be interesting. Triop eggs can hatch even after being in the dirt for long periods, even years, when the water dries up. Cool,right? They can live 20 to 90 days long. Triop eggs hatch at 74-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

More Facts

Here are some more facts about triops: Triops are an ancient species, and have survived for millions of years. There are many different kinds of triops, but triops longicaudatus is the kind commonly sold as pets. Yes, you can get triops as pets.

Triops are very fascinating. If you want a cool pet, definitely consider them.


Created with images by jurvetson - "Guild Navigator" • jurvetson - "sea dragon" • - "Urzeitkrebs (Triops)" • neigesdantan - "IMG_0793" • lydia_x_liu - "Triops cancriformi at The Met's Rooftop Garden"


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