Cress By: Marissa meyer reviewed by: kate thomas

Cress is the third book in the Lunar Chronicles. Cinder , the main character, is continuing to fight the evil lunar queen, Lavana, with her team. Scarlet, Wolf, Thorne, Iko (the robot) are the members of her team so far along with their newest member, Cress. Cress is a lunar shell which means she can not manipulate people unlike the other lunars. She was exiled from the moon and send in orbit around Earth. She worked for Lavana unwillingly as a hacker that hid lunar spaceships from Earth's view. Cinder and her team came to rescue Cress but it was a disaster. Queen Levana's right hand woman , Sybil, injured the whole team, took Scarlet, and sent Thorne and Cress tumbling to earth. The book continues with Thorne and Cress trying to survive in the desert and Cinder trying to figure out how to stop Queen Levana's plans and save all of her friends.

Building represents where the Emperor Cinder is trying to save is. The hair represents Cress because she is based on Rapunzel. The small town looks like the town Cinder landed and where she is recovering. The desert represents where Thorne and Cress were crashed.
"Programmer, hacker, spy... I never stopped believing that if I did everything she asked, someday they would let me go." (pg. 155)

Book Review:

The Lunar chronicles are all in all an amazing series. Marissa Meyer took common fairytales, infused them with spaceships and cyborgs, and created a series that will keep you on the edge of your seat. She was able to make each book relate to a classic tale while still following her plot. I recommend these books to anyone, girl or boy, who loves sci-fi fantasy. These books also dabble in action and romance as the conflict develops. There are so many plot twists and I loved how you could feel each characters emotions. These books are a fun and creative way to read classic fairytales and you will fall in love with all characters (except the bad ones) Meyer introduces.




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