Reflective Journal week starting 13/03/2017

For generating ideas in the sci-fi genre, me and my partner Matthew have been looking at characters and factions from War-Hammer 40,000 and War-Hammer Age Of Sigmar. I've been researching the Blood Angels while Matthew has researched about the Eldars. from this i have took ideas and inspiration for creating the mechanical aspects of mine and Mathew's game characters. some designs i don't really like, for instance the Tyranids they're not really that distinctive form other concepts of aliens

me and my partner (Matthew) came up with 3 different ideas for our game we had a full fantasy idea with wizards, witches and dragons. we also had a full sci-fi game idea which consisted of space, robots and aliens and mortals fighting for survival. but weve compromised with a merge of both like a fantasy/sci-fi hybrid so it will have aspects from the fantasy genre and sci-fi aspects like giant mechanical guardians and some aliens.


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