
【翻译】反击中共必须说的话 翻译:VOG Freego

The Unmade Case against China



翻译:VOG Freego

July 16, 2019 5:45 PM 2019年7月16日下午5:45


It pretends to be a free-trader protecting the status quo. Trump should highlight that it’s becoming more like North Korea by the day.


This week China’s commerce minister, Zhong Shan, issued a broadside against the United States in the ongoing trade war. “The U.S. side has provoked economic and trade frictions against us and violated the principles of the WTO. It is typical of unilateralism and protectionism,” Zhong said, “We have to uphold our warrior spirit in firmly defending national and people’s interests in defending the multilateral trading system.”

本周,中国商务部长钟山就正在进行的贸易战对美国发表了抨击。 “美方对我们挑起了经济和贸易摩擦,违反了世贸组织的原则。这是典型的单边主义和保护主义,“钟说,“我们要发扬斗争精神,坚决维护国家和人民利益,坚决维护多边贸易体制。”

Do you see that? China is pretending to be the friend of free trade and against “unilateralism.” This is a bit of propaganda that has reaped rewards before. There have been points in the last couple of years when Western journalists, anxious to signal their disdain for Trump, crowned Xi Jinping “the leader of the free world.” Thankfully, this period of ignorance is ending.


China’s protectionist measures— and we should include their currency manipulation and penchant for fraud among them — are extreme compared with the United States or Europe. China’s commitment to multilateralism is non-existent. Ask any of its neighbors.

中国的保护主义措施 - 我们应该把他们的货币操纵和欺诈倾向包含进去 - 与美国或欧洲相比是极端的。问问任何一个邻国,中国根本没有对多边主义的承诺。

On most measures of freedom, China is going backward. Political repression has increased in recent years. And religious oppression of Uyghurs and Kazakhs in the Xinxiang province is staggering in its scale and brutality; 1 million Muslims are estimated to be subjected to internment and indoctrination camps. It’s difficult to watch a recent BBC documentary on these camps. Filmmakers were allowed to see one of the more humane-seeming camps, in which Muslims are being trained out of their “extremist thoughts,” forbidden to pray and read scripture, and made to sing and dance to patriotic songs, as if they were about to be featured in China’s version of North Korea’s Arirang games. Hong Kong has been roiled by protests against the policies set in Beijing.


The Trump administration should be using the bully pulpit to humiliate China on more than a dozen major issues: political repression, religious oppression, pollution, massive accounting fraud, intellectual-property theft, the trade in fentanyl, suborning telecom companies to spy on European customers, the slow reneging on promises to Hong Kong. This is the great gun that hasn’t gone off in the trade war.


Why? Trump traded the bully pulpit away already, in negotiations with President Xi. Trump’s silence is the price of advancing trade talks.


He should retract immediately his promise not to criticize Xi’s regime on human rights. Because of the insults not just from Zhong San but from other Chinese diplomatic personnel. China’s ambassador has started tweeting aggressively about China’s dominion over Taiwan, and others have set about to criticize the United States on human rights.


Even if Trump and his advisers looked at the intelligence and concluded that China’s government was incorrigibly committed to human-rights abuses within China, there might still be a very hardheaded and practical reasons for highlighting these abuses, at least from the administration’s perspective. It would strengthen the political resolve of Americans who want to see the administration triumph in its negotiations with China. It would likely force the administration’s critics to acknowledge that America and American companies should seek not to strengthen Chinese capacity for political and religious repression. (Some people should be embarrassed for previously designating Xi Jinping “leader of the free world.”) It would provide another reason for European leaders to be skeptical.

即使川普和他的顾问们看到情报并得出结论认为中国政府在中国境内侵犯了人权,但至少从政府的角度来看,可能仍然有一个非常理性和实际的理由强调这些滥用行为。这将加强那些希望看到政府在与中国谈判中取得胜利的美国人的政治决心。这可能会迫使政府的批评者承认美国和美国公司应该寻求不加强中国的政治和宗教压制能力。 (有些人应该为以前指定习近平为“自由世界的领袖”而感到尴尬。)这将给欧洲领导人另一个持怀疑态度的理由。

Donald Trump is not above using largely symbolic human-rights diplomacy. His administration went out of its way to highlight a “global initiative” to decriminalize homosexuality. If China is the international rip-off artist that Trump alleged it was during the campaign, he should say so over and over again during such tough negotiations. Chinese diplomats and trade negotiators are trying to appeal to internationalist sentiments for a free-trading world order, and impugning the honor of America while doing so. A major speech, laying out the full scale of China’s crimes against its people, and against a shared, fair international market, seems more than in order.


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