Le Moyne College Athletic Center Renovation A new look for the henninger athletic center coming in fall 2016

DOLPHINS TAKE CENTER COURT | Fans watching home games will immediately notice a significant difference in their game day environment. Ted Grant Court will now be centered in the facility and the drop curtain will no longer be in use during competitions. Seating on the north and south side of the facility will be full chair backs along with two sets of portable bleachers that can be set at the east or west ends of the facility.

"Since the fall of 2010, consistent with the college's facility master planning process, we have experienced ongoing attention to the development of both new and existing facilities. While serving as the competition home for Volleyball and Men's and Women's Basketball, the reconfiguration and modernization of this facility has the potential to galvanize our athletic family, campus community, and alumni in a way that we have not been able to deliver before." | MATT BASSETT, ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT & DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS
"Shifting the court and the bleachers to the center of the gymnasium will allow for various stage and seating floor plan options when hosting events such as musical performances, lectures, convocations, graduations, etc. This will not only bring a new aesthetic beauty to the gymnasium but also ensure for Le Moyne fans, students and spectators a more comfortable and enjoyable experience while attending events." | LISA MORGAN, LE MOYNE COLLEGE EVENTS COORDINATOR
"With a flexible floor plan and an audio system to match, the Athletic Center will make a great space for large events. Whether its 500 or 1500 people in attendance, it can be configured to provide excellent seating, sight lines and audio visual support." | JOEL McKISSICK, OPERATIONS MANAGER W. CARROLL COYNE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS
This renovation marks a second phase to the Athletic Center renovation as a number of updates have been completed in the last 18 months.