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Ophthalmology Service 2020 Impact Report

The Comparative Ophthalmology Service at Ohio State's Veterinary Medical Center offers comprehensive care for companion and equine animals with eye abnormalities.

2020 was a challenging year, to say the least. Support from donors like you has made such an impact on our efforts and we are grateful for your enduring support. Thank you for making a gift to the Ophthalmology Service in 2020.

Your support allows our faculty, residents, and technicians to provide the highest level of veterinary care to our patients while training the next generation of veterinarians.

With Your Support, in 2020 we:

  • Invited an ocular pathologist to visit virtually and provide histopathology rounds for ophthalmology residents
  • Provided opportunities for remote professional development and continuing education
  • Came closer to fully funding The Dr. Milton Wyman Residency Fund in Veterinary Ophthalmology in honor of Dr. Wyman's 90th birthday this year. Currently, we are 40% of the way to our goal

With Your Continued Support, We Hope To

  • Fully fund the Dr. Milton Wyman Endowed Residency in Veterinary Ophthalmology so we can consistently fund a second resident in service
  • Fund opportunities for faculty, residents, and technicians for continuing education and to present research
Dr. Wyman and Marlyn Wyman with two Wyman sponsored residents in 2018

Support from generous donors like you makes so much possible at The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center. Watch the video below to see where else donors have made a difference in the lives of animals and people.

Want more Information?

We are happy to share more information about supporting this program. Feel free to contact The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine Office of Advancement at 614-292-3010 to learn more
