Olivia Gooch, a sophomore violinist, plays during the first song, "serenade for Strings" by Dvorak.
Jillian Starr '18 (right) concentrates hard during the first piece of the Philharmonic performance.
"This concert was a good learning experience," explained symphonic cellist Zach Schneider '18. "It was great to see new leaders and sit down in a concert and see what makes our sound unique."
"The concert as a whole went extremely well," said freshman Alex Bunch (left). "We could have done a little better, but as a whole it was good."
"I believe that we did fairly well," said junior Jacob Hatfield. "The only issue was the lights, but that is out of our control."
"Everyone did really well," said philharmonic concert-master David Gucci '18. "The performance was really good."