Ferrets They will steal YOUR HEART

By Olivia Ponnuru

Ferrets are amazing and agile creatures. Let's find out more about them. I will be talking about appearance, prey, and their predators.

This is a cinnamon colored ferret


I bet you are wondering what a ferret looks like. Read this to find out.

The first color we are going to talk about is sable. Sable coloring is basically raccoon coloring. They both have the same black mask, dark paws, and black tail tip.

The next color we are going to talk about is chocolate, it is a brown version of the sable. And last is cinnamon, a lighter version of the chocolate.


There is still other colors but it is time to move onto prey. Ferrets are carnivores so that means they eat meat. Ferrets like to eat rats, mice, rabbits, frogs, voles, snakes, and especially fish.

This mouse being hunted

Ferrets are related to wolverines


But don't forget ferrets have predators too. Their biggest predator is the coyote. Ferrets make a very decent meal for them. So ferrets watch out! Two other predators are badgers and the golden eagle.

Wait, did I hear you say bath?!

Without a doubt ferrets are truly amazing creatures.

The end






Created By
Olivia Ponnuru

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