St. Camilla Camila Cespedes 4/21/16

She is my birth Saint. Her feast is celebrated on March 3rd

She was born on April 9th 1458

She passed away May 31st, 1524

Her full name is Camilla Battista da Verano.

She was born into a wealthy family. She was the daughter of the prince of Camerino, Italy.

She became a poor Clare nun in Urbino, Italy at the age of 23 however her family was opposed to her following a religious life.

Society of poor Clare nuns.

She was beatified on April 7th, 1843 by Pope Gregory and later canonized October 17th 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope Gregory(left) and Pope Benedict XVI (right)

She has written four books in her lifetime. Plus she also knew that she wanted to be nun since she was nine years old. She knew this because she heard a Good Friday sermon and vowed to shed a tear very Friday to show her love for Jesus.

Jesus on the cross 

Personal Prayer to St. Camilla:

St. Camilla help me in my time of need and help me overcome my issues just like you have in your life. Bless my soul and allow me to be on this Earth for another day . Help me overcome any fears I have and protect those who I hold near and dear to my heart. Allow them to also get through their day with ease and let them open their heart and take in the glory of God.


"Saint Camilla Battista Varrano" 22April2016 <>

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