James L. Leloudis, Professor of History and Co-Chair, UNC Commission on History, Race, and a Way Forward
Cecelia Moore, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University president Francis Venable and leaders of the North Carolina Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) began to plan and raise funds for UNC's Confederate monument in 1908. Five years later, they dedicated it during June graduation exercises.
Governor Locke Craig, the first speaker at the dedication, took his cue from one of the bronze plaques on the statue's pedestal. It read: "To the Sons of the University Who Entered the War of 1861-65 in Answer to the Call of Their Country and Whose Lives Taught the Lesson of Their Great Commander that Duty is the Sublimest Word in the English Language."
Though defeated on the battlefield, that cause lived on through the white South's violent rejection of racial equality. North Carolina's UDC women declared their allegiance in 1905, when they purchased "a genuine Ku Klux Banner" that had been used in the state during Reconstruction. They celebrated the acquisition with a mock Klan rally and then sent the banner off for display in the North Carolina Room at the Confederate Museum in Richmond.
The women later commissioned Williams, an accomplished artist, to paint a portrait of Randolph A. Shotwell, Confederate "Soldier and Martyr," to "hang beneath the Ku Klux flag." In 1871-72, Shotwell served time in federal prison for his association with the Klan. When the UDC unveiled his portrait in 1909, Walter Taylor, a fellow "leader among the Klan," presided in full Ku Klux costume.
Civic leaders across North Carolina praised the UDC women for marshaling history in service to white rule. In 1910, banker James B. Ramsey welcomed the state division's annual convention to Rocky Mount. "You were the song of the Old South," he told his city's guests, "and to-day we find you banded together, United Daughters of the Confederacy, all still loyal to Southern rights, democracy, and, thank God, to white supremacy."
"One hundred yards from where we stand," Carr told his audience, "less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomattox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because on the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a [white] Southern lady." Carr boasted that he "performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence" of Union soldiers garrisoned on campus, and "for thirty nights afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun" to protect himself from reprisal.
The monument honored all university men who fought for the Confederacy – the living as well as the dead, and most especially the veterans who waged the postwar campaign to restore white rule. For those veterans, as for Carr, service to the Confederate cause "did not end at Appomattox." In peacetime, they answered racial equality with acts of terror. They "saved the very life of the Anglo-Saxon race," Carr declared. "Praise God."
Henry A. London – alumnus, newspaper editor, and trustee – offered a similar version of history, in which the Confederacy was never truly defeated and its principles endured. "As one of the students of this University who left its halls as a soldier of the Confederacy," he said, "I appreciate most highly this monument erected in memory of my comrades both dead and living. May it forever remain as an object lesson to teach all future generations … that the sons of this University were willing to suffer and, if need be, sacrifice their lives in their devotion to duty. We thought then we were right, and now we know it (emphasis in the original)."
A history of the Ku Klux Klan written for schoolchildren and endorsed by the national UDC celebrated men like McLauchlin as "the bravest of the brave." Laura Martin Rose, later the UDC's historian-general, published the book in 1914, a year after the dedication of UNC's Confederate monument.
In a single passage, Rose captured the main themes of that unveiling and hundreds like it throughout the South: white men's duty to their race and the sacrificial service of soldiers who fought first on the battlefield and then on the home front to defend "Anglo-Saxon Supremacy."
"The record of the Ku Klux Klan teaches … the grandeur of the 'Men who wore the Gray,' the Confederate soldiers, the real Ku Klux. They were not only great in war, but great in peace, and great in the performance of every Duty, which Robert E. Lee, the mightiest military chieftain the world ever saw, pronounced, 'The sublimest word in the English language.'"
The film celebrated an America born anew, redeemed, said one contemporary, by the Confederate veteran's stand "for his race, his people, and his land." It so thrilled white audiences that it ranked first among box office hits until 1939 and production of Gone With the Wind.
In early December 2018, the university's Board of Trustees announced a $5.3 million proposal to house Silent Sam in a new campus museum that would have required "state-of-the-art" security and an estimated annual operating budget of $800,000. The plan was dead on arrival. In October, the university’s Faculty Council had called for permanent removal of the statue. “Returning [it] to the UNC-Chapel Hill campus would reaffirm the values of white supremacy that motivated its original installation,” the faculty resolution said. “Moreover, to do so would undermine the physical security of all members of our community.”
James L. Leloudis, Professor of History and Co-Chair, UNC Commission on History, Race, and a Way Forward
Cecelia Moore, Ph.D.
With research assistance from Rob Shapard, Ph.D., and Brian Fennessy, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
© 2017-2024
Quotations, in order of presentation (newspaper sources with no hyperlink can be found by searching Newspapers.com): Francis P. Venable to F. H. Rogers, May 16, 1913, folder 987, University of North Carolina Papers #40005, University of North Carolina Archives, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Kemp P. Battle, History of the University of North Carolina, vol. 2 (Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton Printing Company, 1912), 323 (cited text from the dedication plaque corrects typographical errors in Battle); "Notable Events Mark Class Day at the University," Raleigh News and Observer, June 3, 1913; Alexander H. Stephens, "Speech Delivered on the 21st March, 1861, in Savannah, Known as 'The Corner Stone Speech,' Reported in the Savannah Republican," in Henry Cleveland, Alexander H. Stephens, In Public and Private, with Letters and Speeches, Before, During, and Since the War (Philadelphia: National Publishing Company, 1866), 721; "White Men to the Front," Wilmington Messenger, May 13, 1898; "Monument to Student Soldiers," Wilmington Morning Star, June 15, 1913; Minutes of the Ninth Annual Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, North Carolina Division, October 3-5, 1905 (Newton: Enterprise Job Print., 1906), 46; Minutes of the Twelfth Annual Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, North Carolina Division, October 13-15, 1908 (Newton: Enterprise Job Print., 1909), 82; Minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, North Carolina Division, October 13-15, 1909 (Newton: Enterprise Print, 1910), 11-17; Minutes of the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, North Carolina Division, October 12-14, 1910 (n.p.: n.p., n.d.), 8; Unveiling of Confederate Monument at University, June 2, 1913, series 2.2, folder 26, scans 93-112, Julian Shakespeare Carr Papers #00141, Southern Historical Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (hereafter SHC); Dedication of Monument, typescript, Cp378 .UK34, North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina (hereafter NCC); Minutes of the Third Annual Meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, North Carolina Division, October 11-12, 1899 (Raleigh: Capital Printing Company, 1900), 5; speech fragments, series 3, folder 60, William W. Kitchin Papers #04018 (collection is not digitized), SHC, and "The Governor's Speech," Oxford Public Ledger, November 5, 1909; "Corner Stone Laid," Wadesboro Messenger and Intelligencer, January 18, 1906; Mrs. S.E.F. (Laura Martin) Rose, Ku Klux Klan, or Invisible Empire (New Orleans: L. Graham Co., 1914), Introduction and 51-52; Francis P. Venable, Acceptance of the Monument, series 4, subseries on education, folder 128, scans 1-2, Francis Preston Venable Papers #04368, SHC, and Unveiling of Confederate Monument at University, June 2, 1913 (above); review of "Birth of a Nation, The Moving Picture World, March 13, 1915, 1587; Armistead Burwell, "The Ideal Confederate Soldier," an address at the unveiling of the Confederate monument in Cornelius, N.C., August 4, 1910, pamphlet, Cp970.76 .B97i, NCC; "Decoration Day: A Verbatim Report of the Address of Frederick Douglass at Franklin Square, Rochester, N.Y.," 1894, Speech, Article, and Book File, Frederick Douglass Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; "Will Mr. London Answer" and "Did Not Die at Appomattox," Winston (now Winston-Salem) Union Republican, August 29, 1907; "UNC Officials Recommend $5.3 Million New Building on Campus for Silent Sam," Raleigh News and Observer, December 3, 2018; "Silent Sam Should Not Return to UNC Campus, Faculty Council Says," Raleigh News and Observer, October 13, 2018; "UNC Leader Apologizes for Slavery and Says School Will 'Right the Wrongs of History,'" Raleigh News and Observer, October 13, 2018; "New Revelations on UNC System's Silent Sam Settlement," N.C. Newsline, December 17, 2019.
Photographs, in order of presentation: UNC Confederate monument, by Anne Mitchell Whisnant; Silent Sam, by Juande Mondria; "Protest Held at UNC"s Silent Sam Statue," ABC11.com, October 25, 2015; Black Lives Matter protest in Manchester, England, June 4, 2020, in "Mourners Remember Floyd in North Carolina as Thousands Protest Across the Nation," Minnesota Public Radio News, June 6, 2020; "'Tear It Down' – Three Arrested as Hundreds Protest Confederate Monument at UNC," Time, August 23, 2017; UNC Confederate monument with visitors, Wikimedia Commons; first Confederate monument in North Carolina, 1868, Cross Creek Cemetery, Fayetteville, North Carolina Civil War Monuments*; old Memorial Hall exterior, old Memorial Hall interior, new Memorial Hall exterior, and Confederate Memorial Plaque, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (hereafter, NCCPA); Carolina Alumni Memorial in Memory of Those Lost in Military Service, by William Yeung; Cleveland County Confederate monument, North Carolina Civil War Monuments*; North Carolina Confederate monuments chart, by Jason Clemmons, based on information available on the Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina web site; Emancipation: The Past and The Future, Harper's Weekly, January 24, 1863, printed in color by King & Baird, Philadelphia, 1865, Library Company of Philadelphia; white supremacy mementos, North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel (hereafter NCC); Alamance County Confederate monument, Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina; UNC Confederate monument plaques, by Cecelia Moore, and Confederate Monument, UNC, Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina; General Robert E. Lee and staff, Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division (hereafter, LCPPD); Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, NARA identifier 528511, Mathew Brady Photographs of Civil War-Era Personalities and Scenes, Records of the War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland; Programme at the Unveiling of the Confederate Monument at the University of North Carolina, June 2, 1913, University Ephemera Collection, NCC; Locke Craig, Bain Collection, LCPPD; Mrs. Marshall McDiarmid (Mary Lyde) Williams, Archibald Henderson, North Carolina: The Old North State and the New, vol. 5 (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1941), plate preceding 49; Ku Klux Klan banner, Greg Huffman, "The Group Behind Confederate Monuments Also Built a Memorial to the Klan," Facing South blog, June 8, 2018; Randolph Abbott Shotwell, NCPedia; front cover, Minutes of the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, North Carolina Division, October 12-14, 1910 (n.p.: n., n.d.); Julian Shakespeare Carr, NCCPA; "The Outrage in North Carolina," Harper's Weekly, September 14, 1867; Unveiling of the Confederate Monument, June 2, 1913, North Carolina Postcards, NCC; Henry Armand London, Isaac S. London, Pictures and Sketches of My Son (Rockingham, N.C.: I.S. London, 1947), 34; Confederate Veterans Reunion, Washington, D.C., 1917, National Photo Company Collection, LCPPD; cover, Corner Stone of Confederate Monument Laid (Orphanage Press: Oxford, N.C., 1909); William Walton Kitchin, Harris & Ewing Collection, LCPPD; Uncle Sam – Guess I'll Keep 'Em, Leslie's Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, June 9, 1898, colorized version from Abe Ignacio, Enrique de la Cruz, Jorge Emmanuel, and Helen Toribio, The Forbidden Book: The Philippine-American War in Political Cartoons (San Francisco: T’Boli Publishing, 2004), 18; Three Sioux in Ghost Dance costumes, Charles R. Savage Photograph Collection, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, via Mountain West Digital Library; United Confederate Veterans commemorative postage stamp, 1951, Wikimedia Commons; John Calvin McLauchlin and Mary Elizabeth Caraway McLauchlin, Find a Grave; Anson County Confederate monument, North Carolina Civil War Monuments*; frontispiece and title page, Mrs. S.E.F. (Laura Martin) Rose, Ku Klux Klan, or Invisible Empire (New Orleans: L. Graham Co., 1914); advertisement for Rose, Ku Klux Klan, from Confederate Veteran 22 (October 1914), 477; UNC sophomore class, 1907, NCCPA; Brother v. Brother, Taylor Finley, Early Appalachian Photographer, Images by Romano, Summersville, W.V.; "The Birth of a Nation" theatrical poster, Wikimedia Commons; "The Birth of a Nation" screenshot, the Everett Collection; "The Birth of a Nation" movie postcard, Orpheum Theater, Fargo, N.D., Institute for Regional Studies, Archives Artifacts Mss 1597, North Dakota State University Libraries, Fargo, N.D.; Frederick Douglass, Brady-Handy Photograph Collection, LCPPD; soldier group, Civil War Glass Negatives and Related Prints, Civil War Photographs, 1861-1865, LCPPD; UNC Confederate monument close-up, by Matt Couch, WUNC Radio; drinking fountain on the county courthouse lawn, Halifax County, N.C., Farm Security Administration, Office of War Information Collection, LCPPD; front inscription, Confederate monument, state capitol grounds, Raleigh, Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina; close-up of the Confederate monument in Sylva, Cory Vaillancourt, Waynesville and Sylva, Smoky Mountain News; "To Cheers and Music, Workers Dismantling 75-foot Confederate Monument at N.C. Capitol," Raleigh News and Observer, June 21, 2020; North Carolina native Parker David Robbins, Sergeant, 2nd Regiment, U.S. Colored Cavalry, North Carolina Museum of History; "Uncle Sam's Thanksgiving Dinner," Harper's Weekly, November 20, 1869; Silent Sam, NCCPA; "University of North Carolina Gives ‘Silent Sam’ Statue to Confederate Group" credit Gerry Broome, Associated Press, New York Times, November 27, 2019; removal of the Confederate monument's pedestal, by James Leloudis, January 15, 2019; "UNC Board Tells Chancellor Folt to Leave Her Job in Two Weeks – Earlier than Expected," Raleigh News and Observer, January 15, 2019 (image no longer available); "Board of Governors Ravaging Higher Education in North Carolina," Carolina Political Review, March 25, 2019; "Documents Leave Questions About UNC's Deal with Sons of Confederate Veterans," WUNC Radio, December 17, 2019; Soldiers’ Monument postcard, North Carolina Postcards, NCC; "Court Will Further Examine Silent Sam Settlement, Standing of Confederate Group," N.C. Policy Watch, December 20, 2019; "UNC Student Believes She Found Silent Sam's Location," Chapelboro.com, September 16, 2019.
* This website, published by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, was made unavailable to the public sometime in 2020. A searchable copy has been preserved by the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
For additional archival sources, see: Guide to Researching Campus Monuments and Buildings: "Silent Sam" Confederate Monument, and Guide to Resources About UNC's Confederate Monument.
To learn more about Confederate monuments in North Carolina, see: Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina. The department of history at UNC has compiled a list of additional resources related to Silent Sam and Confederate monuments more generally, available here.