Zimbabwe Damon h.

Location is the position of something on the Earth's surface🌎

Zimbabwe is north of South Africa, West of Mozambique, South of Zambia and East of Botswana.

Zimbabwe is located on the beautiful continent of Africa🐘🐆

Zimbabwe's capital is Harare and it's exact location is 17.8252 degrees South and 31.0335 degrees East

This is one of the most popular hotels in the country of Zimbabwe

This is a tour of the Country's capital, Harare.

The Mafungabusa Plateau (or Veld) Covers the majority of land.(Central and East)

Zimbabwe has a Tropical climate, a dry season and the entire country gets very little rain🌧

Zimbabwe is bordered by four countries. Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique and Zambia.

This gorgeous water fall here is called the Victoria Fall and attracts many tourists every year.

Here is another beautiful waterfall that is called The Mutarazi Falls.

Places Have a absolute location that pinpoints them on the Earths surface. Relative locations are places that are in relation to other locations.

The natural resources that companies come to Zimbabwe for are the Coal, Copper, Iron Ore, nickel and Gold👷🏾
Here you have just some of the cultural groups that live in Zimbabwe. On the left is the Shona Tribe that wears black and white clothing. In the middle is the Ndebele Tribe and on the right side is the Shangaan Tribe that's getting ready for the aging of young men ceremony.

There are many different religions that are practiced in Zimbabwe like Christianity, Islam and even Roman Catholic.

Each year there are many festivals and holidays like the Harare International Jazz festival, the Zimbabwe International Book Fair and the Harare International Festival for the Arts.

Zimbabwe has a Mixed Economy

Human Environmental Interaction is ways that people change their environment and how the environment changes them.

The types of crops that are grown here are Groundnuts, Corn, Maize, and Wheat. Tobacco is the country's most grown crop.
There are many jobs in Africa such as mining, agricultural jobs, and jobs in forestry.
Many species in Africa are endangered because of poachers and big game hunting. The mainly endangered animals are the Cheetah, the African Elephant, and Lions.

Region is an area of land that has common features.

In Zimbabwe they have a very different type of educational system than we have here in the US. In Zimbabwe they have Primary school, Sencondary school, Vocational school and Tertiary school. The country's total population is 14.15 million as of 2013. The area of Zimbabwe is 150,872 square miles and its per capita GDP is 953.38 USD (2013). Both the male and female in expectancy is 58.05 years old back in 2012 and Athens literacy rate for the country is 90%. Also, Zimbabwe is in a tropical climate.

Movement is when humans or ideas move from one place to another.

The national flag of Zimbabwe consists of seven even horizontal stripes of green, gold, red and black with a white triangle containing a red 5-pointed star with a Zimbabwe Bird.On this day in 1980, Southern-Rhodesia gained independence from the British, taking the name Zimbabwe. ... In 1965, Zimbabwe became autonomous and was led by a white segregationist government after Ian Douglas Smith made a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) from Britain.
In Zimbabwe there are not many computers but a lot of people do have cellphones and some companies there even try to use solar panels.
In Zimbabwe people get around in cars or on trains if they can afford it but most people here just walk. Also the main way to communicate here is by cellphone.

Maize and other crops are imported to Zimbabwe but then they are also exported to near countries. Steel, iron, salt, sugar and tobacco are the main things that are imported and exported in Zimbabwe.


Created with images by rosshuggett - "untitled image" • NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Full Disk view of Earth Captures Oklahoma Tornado" • nathanh100 - "Map of Southern Africa, Undated" • Double--M - "From the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary" • geralt - "cross sunset sunrise" • Iqbal Osman1 - "Islam" • andreas160578 - "church interior inside"


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