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Generative AI Content in Design Templates GUIDELINES FOR Adobe Stock Contributors

Adobe Stock accepts content made using generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools as long they meet our submission standards.

Adobe stock also accepts design templates that include Generative AI images as:

  • placeholder images in the preview/thumbnail file
  • embedded images within your template file

To better understand Generative AI guidelines for design templates, read on for best practices and requirements for submission that include Generative AI images.

On this Page:

Generative AI in Templates – Legal Guidelines: Ensure You Have the Appropriate Rights to Submit

Generative AI in Templates – Metadata Guidelines: Metadata for Embedded Generative Images in Design Templates | Metadata for Generative Placeholder images in preview/thumbnail files

Generative AI in Templates – Model and Property Release Guidelines: Releases for embedded images in design templates | Releases for placeholder images in preview/thumbnail files

Generative AI in Templates–Quality Guidelines: Focus on Creativity and High-Quality Standards

Generative AI in Templates – Legal Guidelines

Ensure you have the appropriate rights to submit

  • Under the contributor terms you agreed to as template contributors, you must have the appropriate rights to submit generative AI content as part of a template. You must review the terms of any generative AI tools that you use to confirm that this is the case before you submit any AI-generated content.
  • All other usual IP, and related restrictions apply to templates that include generative AI content. Do not submit images that depict real places, identifiable property, or notable people. For more details, review Adobe Stock's known image restrictions.
  • For more information, refer to the Adobe Stock generative AI requirements.

Don't: Submit content created using prompts containing other artist names, or created using prompts otherwise intended to copy another artist.

  • Don’t submit any work created with prompts referring to or based on people, places, or property unless you have the legal right to do so (e.g., via a model or property release).
  • Content created by prompting with artist names if their works are no longer under copyright may be acceptable as long as you verify that no other rights apply to the prompt (e.g., publicity rights, cultural heritage rights, etc.). If you are unsure if you have the necessary rights, do not submit content made using that prompt.

Don’t: Submit content created with prompts that are intended to copy the look and feel of an app without permission

  • Never submit content that infringes the rights of third parties, including mimicking or replicating their content. Read our existing guidance for more information.

Don’t: Submit works depicting protected properties or places, containing intellectual property (e.g., famous characters or logos), or featuring notable people (whether photorealistic or - even caricatures). Learn more about known image restrictions.

Do: Submit a signed model release with any assets which were created with prompts based on human models.

Generative AI in Templates – Metadata Guidelines

Generative AI image submissions can be tagged in the portal via a checkbox prompt. Because Generative AI images are embedded in a design template file, the checkbox is NOT available for design templates.

As an alternative, we are asking contributors to include the terms "Generative" and "Generative AI" in the keywords of submissions that include embedded Generative AI content.

Review the following guidelines for additional details.

Metadata for Embedded Images in Design Templates

Design templates that include embedded Generative AI images, should include the terms "Generative" and "Generative AI" in the keywords only.

Titles should NOT include the any reference to Generative AI content.

Keywords should include the English phrase "Generative AI" and"Generative" in the language you are submitting your assets.

Example keywords: template, menu, mockup, Generative AI, Generative

Metadata for Placeholder Images in Preview/Thumbnail Files

Preview/Thumbnail files that use Generative AI images as placeholders should NOT include terms "Generative AI" and "Generative" in titles and/or keywords.

Generative AI in Templates – Model and Property Release Guidelines

Releases for embedded images in design templates

Any content created with generative AI tools that depicts, is based on, or is intended to portray an identifiable person requires a model release. For example, if you upload a photo or video of a real person as a prompt, or name a specific individual in the prompt.

If the generative AI content was not based on a real person, but it visually appears to resemble a person, then no release is required at this time.

Do: Upload model releases for embedded generative AI assets depicting real people used as a reference or prompt. Learn more about model releases.

Do: Upload property releases for embedded generative AI assets depicting real property used as a reference or prompt. Learn more about property releases.

Don’t: Submit work created with prompts referring to recognizable people, places, or property unless you have the legal right to do so (e.g., via a model or property release). For example, don’t include other artists’ names, notable people, or famous characters/brands in your prompts.

Releases for placeholder images in preview/thumbnail files

Model and/or property releases are not required for Generative AI placeholder images use in the preview or thumbnail file.

Don’t: Submit work created with prompts referring to people, places, or property unless you have the legal right to do so (e.g., via a model or property release). For example, don’t include other artists’ names, notable people, or famous characters/brands in your prompts.

Generative AI in Templates–Quality Guidelines

Focus on Creativity and High-Quality Standards

Like the inclusion of images in templates, content created using generative AI tools, must follow the same quality standards and should enhance your templates.

Do: Review our top 10 tips for getting your generative AI images or videos approved for sale at Adobe stock here.

Do: Check your submissions carefully to make sure the anatomy of your content is intended and relevant.

Don’t: Use an image, vector or video you don’t have the rights to as a parameter for your generative AI prompts.

Don’t: Submit multiple versions from the same prompt or similar iterations of a prompt. Learn more about our spam policies.

For more information, review the section on Generative AI quality standards in Adobe Stock submission requirements.


Last Published: November 12th, 2024
