CDM Regulations and Compliance - 2015 Overview
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to confirm to the participants their responsibilities for health and safety within both the legal and contractual frameworks. It will introduce participants to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 and outline the responsibilities of the Client, Principal Designer, Designer, Principal Contractor and Contractor.
Course Outline
Overview and developments
Definition of construction work, demolition etc.
Duty holders and compliance
The Client
Managing the project
Provision of information
The Designers
The role of the Principal Designer
The role of the Designer
Risk Management
Duties of Contractors
The Principal Contractor
Health and safety on Construction Sites
Other contractors (including statutory undertakers)
The Information Pack
The construction phase plan
Cooperation and consultation
We will look at the implication on projects involving domestic clients
Benefits of Attending
At the end of the course participants should have a clearer understanding of their responsibilities under the CDM Regulations and how those obligations should be met.
Course Duration:
1 day (6 hrs) IPD/CPD
25th January 2017 Bristol
27th April 2017 Cardiff
7th December 2017 Glasgow