BRICKZ A Child labour orgaNisation By Aidan and daniel


Our logo and name represents kids and people who have to carry all day and get no rest

Mission statement

Our mission is to help children who are in child labour, and try to return them because the kids are not earning money and are not going to school

Child Labour Facts

  • 215 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 currently work under conditions that are illegal.
  • There are different types of child labour like this, debt bontage, child trafficking, all forms of slavery or slavery-like practices, forced recruitment of Children in armed conflict and any hazourdous work.
  • 73 million of these children are below the age of 10.
  • The number of children in armed conflict have risen to 300,000 over the past decade.
  • Most children work on farms that produce consumer products such as cocoa, coffee, cotton, rubber and other crops.
  • 20 million child workers are employed in factories that make garments, carpets, toys, matches and hand-roll cigarettes.
  • Children around the world who is in child labour have to work over 20 million hours a year.

Actions By our organisation

We have saved children from child labour

We have saved children from being trafficked Into child labour. To do this we went to India and found some places where kids are being trafficked into child labour and we helped them to reunite with their parents.

We have built schools

We have built schools all over India. We accept any kids that are in child labour and can't afford to go to school. Kids that don't have an education will grow up and have no job and will not have any money for their own family's. That is why we are trying to put up more schools in the poor parts of India.

We have built banks

We have made a bank for parents that need money and the parents can loan a few thousand rupees from the bank and they don't have to pay us or send thier child away to us to work in harsh environments. Instead they would only have to pay off a small part of their loan.

Fundraising Events

We have traveled to America to fundraise money for the poor children that are in need of food and water. We traveled to 10 different states and set up lots of different events for example, sausage sizzles and bake sales. At the bake sales we had fun games like guess the weight of the cake, and we sold not just cake but cookies and other baked goods.

Case study

Chirag Gupta is 9 years old he works for a brick stacking company and has to stack and move heavy bricks for 7 hours every single day. He is working there because Chirags parents borrowed 10,000 rupees from the brick stacking company which means Chirag has to go there and pay off all the 10,000 rupees. Chirag earns only 10 rupees every single day. He has been working there for 5 months

How we helped him out of child labour

First of all we went to were Chirag Gupta was working and saw that he was very badly fed, so we gave him a lot of food to snack on and enjoy. Next we disguised as slave owners and told the owner of Chirag that we wanted to buy him because he would be very useful to us, the owner said we would discuss things tommorow. We bought Chirag for 40,000 rupees. Chirag was very frightened when he was handed over to us. Later on we told Chirag that we were going to return him to his parents. So we tracked down where his parents were. We found them by sending a message on the radio to all off India. Chirag and his parents where very very happy to see each other again.

In the future

It has been 5 years since we helped Chirag out of child labour and just recently we went to his house to visit him. We asked him a few questions and he said he was doing good in school and was having fun in school and out of school. When he saw us he was very exited and he thanked us many times for helping him out of child labour. We asked him what his goals for the future were and he told us he wanted to study to be a doctor and save lives of the sick people.

Here is Chirag carrying bricks

Contact Page

If you would wish to contact us by email/text etc. Here is our contact details


Phone: 09 2478531

Mobile phone: +64 0211231275

Facebook: BrickzOfficial

Twitter: @BrickzOfficial

Donation page

If you would like to donate to us to help us save all the children in child labour then choose one of the amounts below




Or choose an amount over $10

You can donate through PayPal, Visa or MasterCard


World vision, UNICEF, Save the children, World counts and google images

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