
Learning Journal Everett stanton

I'm Everett Stanton, a student at Atascadero High School. Here is my experience throughout my Portfolio Production class.

One of our earliest projects was a self portrait. Here, I captured the dynamic between my serious and imaginative personalities by comparing two separate drawing styles. This was completed using Photoshop.

September 30, 2019

I entered my portrait into the Me is We self-portrait contest, held for juniors and seniors throughout SLO county. The awards ceremony was on March 6th, 2020, judged by Peter Hannan, creator of Nickelodeon's series CatDog. I became one of 12 finalists. For more info, along with a gallery, https://sloma.org/exhibition/me-is-we/

Me and my family with my portrait.

January 2020: We created personalized style guides, to practice graphic design and typography. We created our own logos, chose fonts, and used Pantone colors.

Various logo tests

February 2020, we made graphic resumes, using Adobe InDesign, using the fonts and colors from our style guide.

Mission Statement: To create art that improves the lives of people throughout the world by also doing what makes my life happier.

Personal Work:

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