Twitter & Education Finding and sharing Inspiration

Often when we hear social media we think of celebrities sharing what they ate for lunch. Social media can be a great tool to allow us to not only learn and be inspired by colleagues across the globe but also to share the great work we are doing in our classroom.

What tool do you choose? Sometimes it can be overwhelming.

Getting Started

Learn the Twitter lingo and why an educator would get started with the clip below or cheat sheet linked.

Twitter Tips

Have an account but wondering about the basics & etiquette? Check out these tips.

Who would you suggest following? Add a handle and why we should follow them to the padlet board below.


What are hashtags anyway? Watch the first minute to learn more.

What hashtags do you use to connect?

You can share too!

You may be asking yourself, what can I share. We all have ideas that seem obvious to us, but for others it may be just that new idea they were looking for. See the clip below.

A Challenge

Just like anything else, it is all about playing with the tool and creating that habit of connecting. Will you take our challenge? Make sure to include the #peel21st hashtag. You can even create a school hashtag!

Need help to get started?

I wrote an iBook for my Apple project this fall. It may help you get started with the tools, some tips and tricks as well as ideas from my Professional Learning Network.

Created By
Tina Zita
Created with images by FirmBee - "social media twitter facebook" • Jason A. Howie - "Social Media apps" • FirmBee - "twitter social media media"

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