Clip the dart legs and mark the dart points
Mark the dart point through a hole in the pattern sheet
Mark the wrong side of both pieces
Clip dart legs into the seam allowance
Match dart legs w/ right sides together.
Pick up a couple threads at the dart point mark with a pin
Pin through the clips to match the dart legs
Hold both pins to flatten the dart fold. Now you can mark a dart stitching line.
Before you mark your stitching line, consider which way you'll hold your fabric in the machine.
Stitch from the clipped area to just past the pin marking the dart points.
Aim for the pin, then stitch right on the fold beyond the dart point
A single stitch beyond the dart point is helpful for smooth darts
Tie the threads together at the dart point
Press carefully to prevent puckering.
Press away from CF or CB.
Press over a curved surface such as a pressing ham, or rollers up hand towel, to imprint the curved shape into the garment.
Press dart seams away from center front or back and toward the side seams, or press the bulk of a dart downward