Atomic number=87
Discovered in
Chemical properties
- It is reactive to water
- In general it is radioactive
- Greatest reactive element that is in the metallic group
Unusual facts
- From what scientists know, Francium's reaction when put in water should be greater than all the other alkali metals
- can emit an alpha-particle (a helium nucleus) to form astatine-219 or a beta-particle to form radium-223. (A beta-particle is an electron which is emitted from a nucleus when a neutron converts to a proton.)
- You cannot find francium in the nature. This alkali metal is very reactive. It can serve as a good conductor for the electricity and heat.
Created with images by Science Activism - "087 Francium - Periodic Table of Elements" • meneya - "first number one" • pixel2013 - "number digit three" • jontintinjordan - "number 6" • padrinan - "old exterior solid" • Taylor Liberato - "Mask"