Arachne Goddess of Spiders By:Michael.Taylor

Arachne was once, a beautiful and Talented weaver of cloth and fabric.

Arachne Weaving skills was taught by Athena the Goddess of Wisdom.

Arachne Was a Shepherd's Daughter who began weaving at a young age.

Arachne became a very strong Weaver she had great skills.

Arachne didn't really respect any of the gods.

Arachne was bring back to Life as a Spider and Was cursed for life.

Arachne was challenge by Athena to fight her.

Arachne was turned into a Spider By Athena by Hectate's Potion.

The Relationship between Arachne and Athena was that Athena Teached Arachne when she was a Young girl how to Weave things.

Arachne was cursed by Athena cause of her beautiful work she destroyed

Arachne work was destroyed by Athena cause it was far too beautiful than hers.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 03 Feb. 2016.

Created By
Michael Taylor

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