Welcome to St Paul's Girls' School
We are delighted that you are joining us for our first ever virtual open evening. Founded in 1904, St Paul’s was one of the first schools to believe in the importance of educating women to fulfil their potential, giving them the skills and confidence to take their place with pride in a modernising and fast-moving world. That tradition remains at our core. We are proud of our school, of the shared love of academic endeavor that unites our staff and students, of the warmth and creative energy that imbue the atmosphere and of our caring, collegiate community. Please enjoy this virtual tour of the school.
Sarah Fletcher, High Mistress
Take the tour
Explore our modern and sophisticate site, located on Brook Green in Hammersmith.
Explore our departments
Students here experience a broad and exciting curriculum, full of opportunities to roam beyond the syllabus and discover their own interests. To explore our departments in greater detail, please click the link below.
11+ admissions process
While all our students share a love of learning and a keen academic curiosity, there is no typical Paulina. Every year, girls join us from a range of primary and prep schools. Each student will have their own interests and talents, and all are supported and encouraged to reach their full potential.
St Paul’s is an academically selective school and entry is by competitive examination and interview. The admissions process enables us to get to know students and understand where their strengths lie. The aim is to ensure that those who join us are best suited to flourish and enjoy their time at St Paul’s.
It is central to our ethos that any girl with the capacity to thrive at St Paul’s should be able to take up her place, regardless of her family’s financial situation. Our bursary scheme enables us to offer an extraordinary education to talented girls whatever their background, who in turn enrich the school beyond measure as valued members of our vibrant community.
The aim of the bursary programme is to make a St Paul’s education affordable and accessible through the provision of needs-based financial support. A bursary is a means-tested award and is determined by the family’s financial situation. Each bursary is considered on a case-by-case basis and will take into account income, realisable asserts and other relevant factors. The level of assistance provided depends on individual circumstances and varies from partial bursaries to full bursaries, where the maximum value awarded is the full published fees. Bursaries are offered for students joining us at both 11+ and 16+, although the number of bursaries available each year is at the discretion of the school and will vary.
If you would like to have a private conversation with our bursary department, please email bursar@spgs.org.
Creativity and individuality
As soon as you walk through the door of St Paul’s you feel its warmth and creative energy. Ours is a welcoming and vibrant community, where laughter, friendships and activity abound. A network of support is combined with a liberal ideology; we have no uniform, few rules and relationships are relaxed, yet respectful. Students are given the freedom to embrace their individuality, develop their own interests and discover their potential.
A love of learning
At St Paul’s, education is not just about passing exams, but rather about the sheer joy of learning. Individual research, discussion and debate are at the heart of our teaching. Students are encouraged to dig deeper, to explore ideas and to develop their own particular interests. Our broad and progressive curriculum places emphasis on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. It is rich in opportunities to learn about new technologies and engage in cross-curricular projects drawing links between the digital world and other subjects. Students are prepared to navigate an increasingly interconnected world with ease. At all stages our teaching promotes creativity, active learning, problem-solving and collaborative ways of working, developing confident and engaged learners.
A warm and caring community
Our top priority is enabling our students to learn and flourish in a happy and supportive environment. The academic heart of the school is underpinned by warm relationships between staff and students and a keen sense of energy and fun. Strong systems of support mean students always have somewhere to turn when they need a listening ear, from peer supporters to in-house school counsellors. Central to our wellbeing provision is the principle that all members of our school community should feel respected, welcomed and able to be their authentic selves. Our pastoral curriculum aims to expose our students to a diverse range of perspectives and demonstrate the importance of collaboration, diversity and inclusion, empowering them to make a difference in the world beyond school.
Opportunities beyond the classroom
We offer a broad range of opportunities outside the classroom to encourage students’ passions and develop their resilience, confidence and teamwork. A vast range of clubs and societies are available, from Improv Club to Dissection Society, from Junior Feminist Society to Gardening Club, many of which are devised and run by the students themselves. The breadth of activities on offer encourages students of all ages to get involved, whether their interests lie on the stage or on the pitch. Programmes such as the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and Young Enterprise competition enable students to take risks and challenge themselves. Positions of responsibility, from editing magazines to joining the school council, develop their skills as the leaders of the future. The aim is to provide students with a full and rounded education, enriched by enjoyable experiences and strong friendships.
An outward-looking focus
We believe that engagement with the communities around us is vital. We are developing an overseas franchise rich in opportunities for exchanges and the sharing of ideas, enabling students to work together across the globe. At home, we are developing partnerships to support and benefit the wider communities around us. Volunteering is an important feature of wider school life, with students spending time at homeless shelters, food rescue and redistribution centres, local primary schools and residential care homes.
Extraordinary possibilties
A St Paul’s education is rich in possibility and opportunity. Over the years our alumnae have contributed significantly on a national and global stage. From access to an incredible range of visiting speakers to an extensive careers and higher education programme, an education at St Paul’s is an extraordinary preparation for life.