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2020 sharing love virtual walkathon Register from October 5th to October 21st by 11:59 PM. Walk on your own or put together your walking team of family and friends!

The 5K Sharing Love Family Walk is an annual community building and fundraising event for The Sharing Love Campaign presented by Korean Community Service Center of Greater Washington (KCSC) in partnership with The Korea Times and The Council of Korean Churches in the Greater Washington.

100% of your donation funds KCSC’s Safety Net Project and directly impacts the lives of community members who have suffered great hardship helping them to get back on their feet as quickly as possible.

This is the easiest year to participate and make a positive difference in our community!

In 2019, about 250 volunteers and participants enjoyed a beautiful autumn walk through scenic Carderock Park. After the walk, KCSC provided a barbecue and all the participants enjoyed snacks and hot dogs, generously donated by Global Foods and the Swains Lock Running Club!

Sharing Love 5K Family Walk 2019
"We had a lot of fun! A wonderfully diverse crowd and everyone was happy and having fun. Definitely doing the walk again but this time, I'll be bringing more friends and family!"
Sharing Love 5K Family Walk 2019
Many thanks to our generous sponsors and to KCSC's Board of Directors, who have provided invaluable support to the Sharing Love 5K Family Walk since our first walk in 2015!