R2 D2 Are robot frind
R2 D2 is adroyd plote in a starfiter and can be a lot of help.

R2 D2 is so much better than a badldroyd couse he has a shocker.

When he is in the starfiter he is a great help.

R2 D2 is a great way to go to an awesome way to go out of a starfiter.

I hope that you had a great time with my story about R2 D2 today bye.
Created with images by simononly - "r2-d2" • rdeetz - "R2-D2 Desert Encounter" • amyr_81 - "R2-D2 Sixth Scale Figure by Sideshow Collectibles" • Brett Jordan - "R2-D2 Exploded" • amyr_81 - "R2-D2 Sixth Scale Figure by Sideshow Collectibles"