O3 S I S T E R

my main hoe.

P R O F I L E.

  • name: Athena Leanore
  • what I usually call her: Na, Antena, Bish (HAHAHA)
  • date of birth: July 17th, 2000
  • place of birth: Jakarta, Indonesia
  • blood type: O
  • zodiac: Cancer

media social

lets know her better, here.

Meet Athena Leanore, my little sister. People usually call her by Athena. Athena is the 2nd daughter of Leanore family. And, her appearance lebih mirip ke mama, banyak mengandung unsur unsur Indonya gitu hehe. Let's take a look!

i know, her legs are super long.

Aku sama Athena dari dulu selalu main bareng, berantem bareng juga, rebutan character princess, winx, barbie juga HAHAHA. Athena dari kecil udah petakilan, hyper-active, gak bisa diem. Sampe sekarang juga gitu, bandel. Tapi bandelnya gak yang macem-macem, sih. Tapi, temennya banyak. Dia juga level humornya bobrok tingkat dewa. Yang pernah ketemu dan deket sama dia pasti ngerti. :)

hobinya gonta ganti warna rambut, sampe bolak balik dipanggil kepala sekolah tapi dianya ngeyel.

Fyi, pas dicat blonde dia kan dipanggil kepsek terus ditanyain kenapa rambutnya warna blonde. Dia jawab "Iya, sir. Soalnya kan papa saya bule. Hehehehehehe." Kebodohan. Tapi, kepsek sama guru di sekolah udah capek sama dia jadinya dibiarin..

✧ P A S S I O N.

Dari kecil, Athena demen banget sama yang namanya dancing. Dia juga dari dulu suka dipanggil manggung buat isi event di sekolah, ataupun acara-acara gitu. You can look at this video, she's the blonde one. Nama dance crewnya BlackPink! It's quite popular, by the way. In fact, she's the main and lead dancer.

here's some pictures of her while performing on stage.

slay. olay.
✧ T R I V I A.
! F A C T S // P E R S O N A L I T I E S.
  • ngebo
  • nyabe
  • ngebobrok
  • jalan-jalan
  • nyemil
  • katanya "my favorite color is rose quartz and serenity" Y in aja.
  • suka martabak
  • suka banget kpop
  • dAnc1n9 iZ My PaSS1oN
  • hobi gambar
  • etc.
Created By
Alaska Leanore


dont copy me, thanks.


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