Constantine RUled) 306ad-337ad
By Nora,Liam, and Ian.
Constantine encouraged the Christian church. No one knew why he did this but most think it's becouse he wanted unity, peace and stability among the people. Though Constantine was never a memeber of the church he was only babtised on his death bed. But when he was in power the majority of Rome now started worshiping Christian belifies then when he started it was then the Christian popluation was only 10%.
A Roman emperor named Decius ordered all Christians to be killed this was a time known as the age of Martyrs which was brought to an end by the edict of Milan .The edict of Milan ensured that the Christian people of the Roman Empire were protected . By doing this the Christian religeon increased rapidly during the time of his rule. Constantine even ordered all of his soldiers to paint the chi-rho on their shields.
In 312, Constantine invaded Italy with his strong army and defeated his rival, Maxentius, at the battle of the Milvan Bridge just out of Rome. This impacted the people in three ways, wealth from battle, land to the empire, and now, Constantine has support and is seen as a emperor because of his traits.