
Earth Day's Hands-On Activities Raises Awareness on Climate Issues By: Marlene Arroyo

On April 20th on the green, M-A's AP Environmental Science students hosted an event to teach our community about the environment and ways students can help reduce harm to the planet.

Junior Lauren Van Stralen said, "We really just hoped to bring awareness to issues and to celebrate Earth day. We noticed people didn't know a lot of information about specific sections of the environment."

Junior Gigi Edwards added, "We hoped people would just think a little more about these things like their food, we know the environment has a lot of problems that [students] can improve."

Participating student AJ Riviello said, "I learned about how to sort different kinds of trash."

Students host jeapordy game.
Students host environmental trivia game.
Students spinning the spinning wheel for prize.
Participants attempt to fish during game.
Students test their knowledge of garbage disposal.
Students taste and vote on local vs. store-bought fruits.
Students learn about the weight different burgers have on the environment.
Student's band plays music for the celebration.
Participants creating signs.