In the words of One... A poem channelled by lesley curtis

Like quivers from an artiste bow the words fall from my lips

The magic flies around my hair and through my fingertips

And as a child I walk through trees

And I hold them close to my heart

For I am just a wanderer

I’m just nature’s child

And through these eyes I beauty see

In all its shapes and colours

And all its smells and all its glory

The bird does sing upon the way flying through the trees

Fruit flies and blossoms, nature’s path

Woodpecking in the breeze

Even the mud calls out to me

And grabs me as I walk

Even the air upon the breeze moist with droplets as I talk

Even the geese as they squeak and squawk sitting on the sodden field

Even the thistle standing tall

This is natures yield

For nature yields herself to us without a thought of danger

And nature is the one true love

Horizons beckon out to me with trees so beautiful

Gold and browns and pinks and greens

In the words of one, blessed be

Well-being through Sound, Song, Voice and Meditation

For your piece of channelled inspirational words, where ever you are in the world, contact:


M: 07850 865047

Created By
Lesley Curtis
Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "road forest trees" • Hans - "beech fagus sylvatica fagus"

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