Written text
Dear editor,
Shark nets need to be deployed to stop the sharks. They are putting the lives of Australian people and tourists at risk. There has been 554 unprovoked attacks on people at our shores in the last 100 years. 132 of these have resulted in fatalities.
1 shark attack on our shores is 1 too many in my opinion. I accept that there is a negative impact on marine life not targeted by the nets. Over the last month, we have seen a baby dolphin and 3 young whales caught on shark control equipment in QLD. The dolphin was badly injured with a drumline hook through its side, while 2 whales were released and one drowned. These events have stirred up emotions particularly with the shark net activists giving them a reason to lobby for the removal of the nets.
The nets were designed to catch large dangerous sharks as they were swimming within range of the surf. At first, the catch was huge. They caught over 600 sharks in the first year of operation, off just a few Sydney beaches. But over time, even without changing for the spread of the program across almost all Sydney beaches and into Wollongong and Newcastle, the catch declined due to holes and punctures in the nets letting the sharks get in.
The nets need to be improved not removed. This will further reduce the unprovoked attacks. At the top of the net there is a massive gap, I think this is the weakness of the design. I understand that this is designed to allow other marine life to access the shores but the gap is big enough for a shark to slip right through and for other mammals to be caught in the nets.
The nets give many beachgoers more confidence to hop into our oceans. Our beaches contribute significantly to our country financially through tourism and having the nets is keeping the tourists coming.
In conclusion I urge the decision makers to review the design of these nets, we must improve the nets to protect the marine life but removing them would result in a rise in shark attacks. The protection of our beachgoers should be our main priority.
To evaluate I have used persuasive language and used descriptive language whilst stating the facts. I therefore created a suitable letter to the editor. I used the argument of the opposition to support my later points on net improvement. Instead of going against the opposition I used their valuable points to construct that all lives matter but humans are always top priority, but we should be doing more to support the marine environment.