Happy Easter from everyone at Minera School. School re-opens on Monday 17th April.
Easter Worship
Today, Year 6 led our special Easter Collective Worship in School. They retold the Easter story in their own words.
Training Days - change of date for summer term
The training day arranged for Wednesday 19th July has been moved to Monday 12th June to facilitate a whole school training event.
Remaining Training Days for this academic year are:
- Monday 12th June
- Thursday 20th July
School will now close on Wednesday 19th July for the summer holidays.
Healthy Snack
Our Eco Group have been working on promoting healthy snacks at break times. They presented the benefits of healthy snacks to the whole school during our collective worship earlier this week.
When we return after the Easter holidays, fruit and vegetables will be the only snacks permitted during break times.
Foundation Phase Arrangements
We will return to a system that was used prior to Covid. Parents/Carers will pay £1.50 per week (via Parent Pay) and the healthy snack will be provided by school for all Foundation Phase children.
Junior Arrangements
Children will bring in their own snacks (fruit or vegetables) for break time. The Eco Group are looking into running a Fruit Tuck Shop in the near future.
Thank you in advance for your support with this very important matter.
Thank you so much for joining in with our Readathon. We managed to raise an incredible £231 which will go towards buying books and providing author visits for children in hospitals as well as providing book vouchers for us to use in school. Well done to all of the children for taking part and well done to Luke, Alex, Eira and Ivy who won a book to take home.
On Thursday 20th April, we will receive our visit from author Damian Harvey. Damian will work with all classes sharing his stories, performing and supporting children with writing stories.
After school on Thursday, from 3:05 p.m., Damian will be signing and selling books. We are extremely grateful to Minera Community Council for funding this fantastic experience for us.
Friends of Minera News
Thank you to everyone who came along to our bingo evening last night. It was great to see a 'full house' in the hall!
The Friends of Minera raised an amazing £517 with the bingo, raffle and sales of knitted toys. Also, £195.40 was raised with the Silver Smarties.
Thank you for your continue support.
Holiday Club
Don't forget Holiday Club will be running during the Easter Holidays with the exception of Good Friday and Easter Monday. For further details, please contact Mrs Armstrong.
Our Best
Look at our wonderful week of learning. We are very proud of our children for trying their best and not giving up.
Diary Dates
- 17th – School Re-Opens for Summer Term
- 20th - Damain Harvey Author Visit
- 21st - Year 3/4 Swimming
- 28th - Year 3/4 Swimming
- 1st - May Bank Holiday
- 2nd - King Charles III Coronation Bank Holiday
- 5th - Year 3/4 Swimming
- 12th - Year 3/4 Swimming
- 15th - Dylan Thomas Day (School Eisteddfod)
- 19th - Year 3/4 Swimming
- 26th - Year 3/4 Swimming
- 26th - School Closes for Half Term
Contact Information
Phone: 01978 269500
Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk
Website: www.mineraprimary.com
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter