Sand Storms Noah, dylan

You are Going to learn about...


How they are created...

How to survive them...

Fun facts...

And some more fun facts...




So sit back, relax, and enjoy the presentation!



Sandstorms. They can be a difficult problem. One moment you see sand and dust, the next, you see absolutely nothing. With this presentation, you'll know how to survive these massive storms, and you'll learn a few facts about them.



One day your walking in a dessert taking a tour of somewhat pyramid, when you see sand swirling in the distance...

Step 1. Cover up any openings in the face. Sandstorms force sand up your mouth, nose, ears, and even your eyes. To do this, get any type of cloth, (scarf, towel, unused clothes, e.t.c.) and cover your nose and your mouth simultaneously.(Simultaneously means to do something at the same time) This works better when you damp the cloth. To cover your eyes, wear goggles, or sunglasses.



Step 2. Try to stay together. Sandstorms can blind you. One moment you see sand, the next, you see nothing. Try to lose NO ONE!!!!!!!!! Even the worst person in the universe. Link arms when you see sand coming to help prevent this. Or, if you have a rope, make everyone hold on.



Step 3. Turn away from the direction the wind is blowing. If you can't find shelter, just hide behind your vehicle, or mobile until the storm passes. If you don't have one, you are doomed.


"Behind the scenes"

In this slide, you will learn about how sandstorms are created.

Sandstorms are created when wind blows sand or dust UPDRAFT. Then the sand travels and collects more sand and dust and soon it creates a wall of sand and dust. Then there is a sandstorm.

Video down below

FAst faCts

More facts about sandstorms

  1. Between April, and August, winds with speeds of 60 miles (96km) per hour can carry the sand off of WHOLE DUNES!!!
  2. Sandstorms happen when wind picks up sand\dust and it creates a wall of sand. It moves faster than most pitchers can't throw a baseball!
  3. In March, 2010, a sandstorm originated in Mongolia. It could be seen from space!!!

Fast facts


  1. In dry places, it's dust not sand.
  2. In the Sahara desert, the simmoom, (poison wind) can reach temperatures of 130F (55C).
  3. Sand and dust blocks out the sun and creates a yellow glow
  4. A dust devil is a sandstorm!!!

Thank you for listeninG!!!!!

We hope you enjoyed!!!!!!! : D

We give thanks to...

-weather, by Penelope Arlon, and Tory Gordon-Harris...

-National geographic kids, weather, by Kristin Baird Rattini...

-100 most distructive natural disasters, by Anna Claybourne...

-Science A-Z...

- Survive 'O' pedia, by David Borgnicht, Molly Smith, Brendan Walsh, and Robin Epstein...


THE BIG BOOK OF WHAT!!! By Catherine Nichols and Chris Reed...

And... YouTube! For finding us a great video!

Thanks for listening!!!

Bye!!! AND ONCE AGAIN, THANKS FOR Listening!!!

Created with images by LoggaWiggler - "petra jordan holiday" • skeeze - "globular cluster stars messier 92" • LouMaria - "namibia sossusvlei sand dune" • ST33VO - "Sand dunes" • D-Stanley - "Sand Dunes" • makunin - "morocco africa desert" • hbieser - "gobi desert hot" • - "Great Sand Sea - Desert" • nateOne - "Thank You" • nigelhowe - "Stars"

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